June 14, 2018

The Current

In this week's edition:

#TBT: Race & Intersectionality in Ultimate: A Discussion at College Nationals 2018


Whether you were at DI College Nationals or not, check out this article for a recap on the conversation that went down and some significant next steps we can take moving forward!

Featured Article

How Capitalism and Racism Support Each Other

This week, to dive into the intersectionality conversation a little deeper, we bring you an article that reflects more on how capitalism and race work together. Where do you notice it in your life? 

Folks gather together in Raleigh, North Carolina at Crowds Brewery. 

Folks gather together in Raleigh, North Carolina at Crowds Brewery. 

Highlight of the Week


We're all for more industry around women's ultimate! Check out this highlight clip of the Atlanta Soul vs. Atlanta Torch, and see you in the Board Room to chat how to keep this going!